Blogs Archives - 93.7 The Light Christian Talk + Teaching Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:19:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blogs Archives - 93.7 The Light 32 32 The Heavens Declare His Glory Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:18:28 +0000 One unchanging thing about me is that I am a lover of God’s natural world. One of my favorite songs is, “This is My Father’s World.” The beauty and sounds...

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One unchanging thing about me is that I am a lover of God’s natural world. One of my favorite songs is, “This is My Father’s World.” The beauty and sounds around us declare God’s love to us. He created the earth as a gift to His children. Too often we take the beauty and sounds around us for granted. Psalm 19:1 states, “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (NIV).

The older I get the more I wonder, “What is God saying through nature?” I used to think it was a crazy idea that God spoke from the heavens because Disney videos portrayed the sounds from heaven as gods or imaginary characters playing 10-Pin in heaven, and I knew that wasn’t true.

God started telling us the heavens and stars were important in Genesis 1:1 when “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.” Later in verses 3-5 God says, “Let there be light” that separated the light from the darkness and created the first day. This was not the ending of God’s creation of lights. In verses 14-19 on the fourth day God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years…And God made two great lights – the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.”

Now let’s return to Psalm 19. Verses 2-4 tell us what is occurring all around us, but because of our human nature we are so woefully unaware.

V. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.

V. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.

V. 4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

I ask the question again, “What is God saying all around us that we cannot currently understand?” I find myself listening to the wind blowing through the trees, listening more intently to the rumbles of thunder in the distance, and viewing the clouds, the leaves, and the change of weather with a spoken statement to the heavens, “God, what are you saying?”

In the Bible there are several references of God speaking and those in hearing thought it was thunder or didn’t understand what they experienced.

Matthew 3:13-17: At Jesus’ baptism “as soon as he was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’”

John 12:27-29: Jesus was telling of his coming death and resurrection to his disciples. Jesus said, “‘Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.’ The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered, others said an angel had spoken to him.”

Matthew 27:32-56: Jesus’ crucifixion records the following nature reactions to his death. “From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’)…And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.”

Acts 9:1-7: Saul, a murderer of Christians had a conversion to Paul, becoming the anchor of God’s New Testament. Saul had a life-changing heaven encounter from God. “As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ Saul said. ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.’ he replied. The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anything.”

What is God saying to us through His nature that surrounds us today? Realize that it is possible that no one else may hear or see what God is telling you. Maybe God’s words to us may be through the reading of the Bible or an encounter with a person giving us encouragement. However, in each of the Biblical examples above, the people who encountered God’s breakthrough from Heaven to Earth were forever changed, and their change impacted the people and world around them. I encourage all of us to ask God, “What are you saying?”

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3 Things We Need To Know About God Wed, 10 Apr 2024 14:07:12 +0000 Ever wonder what to tell people about God? Here are three fundamental attributes you can start with!

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I am an adult child of a preacher.  I’ve grown up in church all my life.  There have been many memory verses and Bible stories that have filled my life.  However, as I am becoming more bold about sharing my faith, I realize I am sharing with people who don’t have a lot of church background or have grown up with a skewed understanding of God.

I’m realizing people at times need bite size chunks of information to entice them to God, rather than repel them by offering too much information in one sitting.

So, if I could summarize the three most important attributes of God someone should know they are:

1. God is Beyond Our Imagination

God is above all we can say or think.  That statement may bring a moment of pause. Everything passing through our human brain is finite.  A brain that has a beginning and an end to everything.  A brain that even with extreme imagination comes to a blockade.

That blockade of our mind is what keeps us from an unfettered understanding of the limitless, never-ending, immensity of God.  For a more detailed description of God’s immensity read, “How Big Is God.”

2. God is Absolutely Good

Growing up I knew God was good, but I didn’t understand He is absolutely good.  Key word is ABSOLUTELY.  I walked around waiting for God’s lightning to strike or the next bad thing to happen to punish me.  It has taken reading and searching scripture to see that God has ONLY good for those who LOVE him.  Why do we have the thought of God’s anger?  It is our FEAR that God treats us like we humans treat each other.  Remember the first attribute mentioned: God is beyond our imagination.  As humans it is hard for us to imagine only goodness when we see so much badness around us.

We have to remember badness enters the world through the free will choices of mankind.  The willful choice of humanity to ignore God’s goodness is the badness of this world, not God punishing us.

The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

Psalm 145:8-9

I encourage you to read verses 14-21 to see the additional attributes of God’s goodness.

3.  God is Love

It is love that encapsulates the beyond imagination and goodness of God!  If we could know, that we know, that we know God loves us our world would be turned upside down.

God’s love again can’t compare to what we as humans “know” as love.  In the Greek language, depending on where you search, there are at least 8 different words (meanings) to our one English word “love”.  Let’s look at the top four most often referenced in the Bible and then identify God’s love.  This comparison will help us understand why the word love doesn’t fully grasp the depth of God’s love from human comprehension.

Eros: passionate romantic love

Philia: love of friends (brotherly)

Storge: love between family members

Agape: charitable love of mankind

God’s love surpasses anything humans can imagine or offer.  It is this Agape love that God had and demonstrated through giving His only son, Jesus as the sacrificial payment to restore us to right relationship with our Father God.  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him (Son, Jesus), they will receive eternal life” (John 3:16).  For a more detailed description of God’s rescue plan read, “The Great Exchange.”

So, if you need to share God to another person, these three attributes of God are a great place to start:  1) God is Beyond Our Imagination, 2) God is Absolutely Good, and 3) God is Love.

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How To Read The Bible… Slower Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:50:10 +0000 Have you ever skipped Leviticus and Deuteronomy? There's a helpful tool that can transform the way you read the Bible. An archaeological study Bible.

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So, if you resolved to read through the Bible at the beginning of the year, now, in late February/early March, you should be about in the book of Leviticus. Unless… you’ve already given up and quit or just skipped Leviticus and Deuteronomy altogether! Reading through lists of names and repetitions of laws might be hard to stick to even if you are truly committed to it.

I’m more of a task-oriented person, so if you give me a job and a deadline, I will usually push to get it done, but I found that after a while, I was reading the words of Scripture as just words to get through. Now, I still think it is a good idea to read the Bible all the way through. God left us one book that tells us about Him and that He wants us to read, and I think I’d feel kind of stupid standing in front of Him some day with Him knowing I never even read it.

But this year I tried something different – I have been reading an archaeological study Bible. If you are imagining boring measurements from a dig site, it is not like that, but there are hundreds of photographs of artifacts and places. You will get an idea of what some ancient tools, seals, and pots looked like and learn how they demonstrate that the stories of the Bible actually took place. Pictures of ancient buildings and fields and mountains near where events occurred bring context to your reading.

Who, Where, Why, and When

But the archaeological Bible does more than explain the archaeology. It helps out with geography, history, and culture too. Maps illustrate the relation of one event to another, often answering the question why something took place where it did. The notes will give you a more complete look at history. It tells you what else was going on in the world at the same time Bible events were happening. And the many footnotes and side articles give insights to the people both of the Bible and their neighbors. Their culture is not ours, and the articles point out what was going on at the time God was speaking to them.

Ancient writers are quoted. These quotes have been found on monuments, carvings, and scrolls – poets writing about kings or regular people discussing regular people. One insert I recently read was text on a tablet from a Sumerian scribal school in which an older student mockingly criticized the work of a younger student – makes even the really ancient people sound just like us!

Slow Down

If you chose to make a more academic study of things, you could. There are notes, concordances, and charts. I don’t; I just use it for my personal reading. The most valuable part of all is that it slows you down. You won’t feel the same pull to rush through to get so many chapters read, but your understanding will grow.

Some examples of archaeological Bibles and similar cultural background Bibles you might want to check out are:

  1. Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (NIV and NKJV) (sampler)
  2. ESV Archaeology Study Bible from Crossway (sampler)
  3. Archaeological Study Bible (NIV and KJV) This is the one I use, but unfortunately, it is now out of print. There is a digital version, and there are still copies available on places like eBay. (a helpful personal review found on youtube)

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Are Your Resolutions The Tortoise Or The Hare? Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:55:56 +0000 Growing up I enjoyed listening to Aesop’s Fables.  One very important fable to start the new year is the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.  The story begins with...

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Growing up I enjoyed listening to Aesop’s Fables.  One very important fable to start the new year is the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.  The story begins with the Hare making fun of the Tortoise and his slow approach to life.  The Hare’s arrogance eventually caused him to challenge the Tortoise to a race, with the assumption that he was so fast, and therefore the Tortoise had NO CHANCE to win.

The moral of the story is that through slow and steady progress the Tortoise won the race.  The Hare had such a burst of early energy in the race, along with the pride of self, the Hare decided he could stop and sit along the side of the road, take a nap, and still burst forth and win in the end.

How do you want to face the challenges and choices of this new year?  People often make resolutions to begin a new year with great intentions to finish the race strong.  Often, however, the energy and excitement of the new year is not enough to sustain the hard work and consistency necessary to achieve the end results.

If you are thinking about resolutions for this new year, you can use the following encouragement to help you win the race with slow and steady steps to the finish line.

Pros of Setting Resolutions

• Adds motivation to change

• Provides guidelines for improving life

• Creates a clean start

Cons of Setting Resolutions

• Increases anxiety

• Sets up for possible failure

• Hesitant approach of the future

It is best to set realistic expectations couched with moderation.  It is also good to place your goals in a positive framework like, “I will attempt or try _____.”  The more traditional tone of resolutions is, “I will quit ______.”  Once you hear or say quit, the battle of will-power over long entrenched habits begins.  Having a positive “I will try” gives room for measured positive successes over time versus a cold turkey, 180° about-face.

Measured positive successes are like a military campaign.  A battle or two may be lost, but the overall war is won. This goes back to the realistic, moderate, measurable “expectations” you place upon yourself.

Three top resolutions you may make and realistic suggestions to achieve success.

  1. Losing 50 pounds in one or two months is not realistic with the expectation of maintaining the weight loss.  Reducing sugar intake, chips and cookies, as well as increasing the amount of water you drink rather than soda or other sugar infused drinks is a great start.  Did you notice, exercise wasn’t even suggested.  Increasing exercise to lose weight may be the #1 New Year Resolution that fails.  Slightly changing eating habits has a longer sustainable possibility.  Then, when the weather starts to warm up, a short walk around the block or some other outdoor activity can add to your “exercise” routine.  A natural outdoor activity does not add the cost of a gym membership or anxiety of consistently getting to the gym, so as not to waste your investment.
  2. Praying for one hour a day (without) interruption may not be realistic because of your stage of life.  You may have small children and NEVER get a full hour of anything.  You may be juggling a job or two as well as family obligations that may put you in the middle of caring for your children, grandchildren, and your parents.  A great place to start is 5-15 minutes a day. This may be during your morning or evening bathroom routine.  Let that be your uninterrupted time with God.  Then, throughout the day maintain an attitude of prayer and send up whispers of praise or petition to God our Father.  Eventually you may see that time of prayer expands naturally without you having to punch a time clock.
  3. Getting out of debt within 6 months.  If it took you 5, 10, 20 years to get yourself in over your head, it may take 3-5 years to get out.  For getting out of debt, just like losing weight, choose small realistic, measurable goals that you and your family can live with.  Rather than eating out several nights a week, see if you can save money by eating at home.  You can also start a “We Saved That Money” jar and place what you might have spent aside.  This jar can be used for small unexpected emergencies that you might have normally charged.  Once you can maintain that success, see other options of less spending in another area and divert those savings to paying off small bills that nag at you and disrupt your peace.  This slow and steady process will focus you in the right direction for digging yourself out of the money pit.

    The goal of New Year Resolutions is to activate positive change in our lives.  The most important positive change in our life is making sure we have a solid faith in the redemptive work of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection.  That redemptive work connects us back to God as Father.  Knowing the LOVE of the Father and His daily unlimited desire for our best (Jeremiah 29:11) is the best New Year Resolution anyone can make.  Therefore, we can make plans for our future and know that we are not alone in the process to achieve those goals.  May 2024 be your BEST year ever because you face it with the JOY of Jesus as your STRENGTH! (Nehemiah 8:10)

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    Where Is God In January? Post-Holiday Blues Mon, 08 Jan 2024 19:24:29 +0000 I have a son who still gets very excited over Christmas. A week or so before Christmas, he said to me that he just can’t wait for Christmas to get...

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    I have a son who still gets very excited over Christmas. A week or so before Christmas, he said to me that he just can’t wait for Christmas to get here. But then he immediately said, “No, because anticipating Christmas is so much better than the feeling when it is over.”

    I don’t think that is just a kid thing. When an event or occasion you have been planning for and working toward for days, weeks, or even months is just suddenly over, there is a natural let-down. Your mind and body have been busy thinking and planning and baking and shopping and wrapping and worshipping and visiting. But then it stops. The Christmas music stops, the parties are over, the people go home, and there is nothing to do.

    For some people, that may be an amazing feeling. I’m done. I can relax and rest for a season. But for others, that same tired feeling leads to depression. And more than physical exhaustion, what if, despite you putting all your energy (and possibly too much money) into making the holiday time the best you could, you still had unmet expectations and things just didn’t go as you had hoped?

    Sometimes, just getting back into your pre-holiday routine can do wonders for you. Eating healthier food, getting more sleep, and, if possible, spending time walking or other activities outdoors will help restore your energy and a sense of balance. If you did make family or financial mistakes, take the time to rationally think about ways to avoid that the next time the holidays roll around.

    But if your sadness is a little more, if it really can’t be fixed by putting the cookies away, I want you to try to remember one thing. The same Emmanuel, the same “God with us” that you put so much energy and time into celebrating in December is still here in January. We might feel different, but He doesn’t. He didn’t change, and He is still there wanting to listen to and help you. And the good news that He brought when He came to earth is still the most amazing news of all. We who were condemned to die now can live forever. And that is something to celebrate even on the coldest, darkest, and saddest day.

    If you are having trouble remembering that, get yourself some reminders. Read and think about God’s Word, listen to the encouraging reminders in the music of Hope 100.7 or the messages of 93.7 The Light – not just in the car on the way to work but at home when you can use some help. And make sure you are heading to church. There is no better way to get your mind off your own struggles and be reminded that the news of Christmas is a year-round joy than to be in the presence of God and fellow worshippers.

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    Darkness Into Light Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:16:29 +0000 Darkness into light is a repeating theme throughout the Bible. God spoke, “Let there be light.” The very beginning of the God story was from darkness into light. After the...

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    Darkness into light is a repeating theme throughout the Bible. God spoke, “Let there be light.” The very beginning of the God story was from darkness into light. After the disobedience of Adam to God’s command not to eat of the Tree of Good and Evil, the world was thrown into darkness…the separation of humanity from God. God is light and without Him, it is nothing but darkness.

    Realizing this darkness is often hard for us to know because we are so engulfed in the world as we know it. However, Isaiah 60:2 describes the world as it is, “Darkness now covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples.” However, God has ALWAYS determined to rescue His creation from the grips of satan and his effort to “kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10:10). The second half of verse 10 has Jesus again declaring darkness to light saying, “I have come that they (creation who believes) may have life, and have it to the full.”

    Isaiah 60:1 tells of God’s speaking of light into darkness. God through the prophet Isaiah states, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” While this is a reference to the coming Messiah, we as Christians are the body of Christ to distribute the light of God to a dark and hurting world.

    The first verse of the Christmas carol “O Holy Night” describes the world at Jesus’ birth, but also mirrors the world of today.

    Oh, holy night,
    The stars are brightly shining,
    It is the night
    Of our dear Savior’s birth.
    Long lay the world,
    In sin and error pining,
    Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.
    A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
    For yonder breaks
    A new and glorious morn.

    The key line that jumps out to me is “till he (Jesus) appeared and the soul felt its worth.” As I said earlier, we often don’t realize that we are in a dark world without the light of God. Our hope is in our “soul” finding the light of God, not the acquisition of wealth and things.

    God never leaves us in the dark. God ALWAYS introjects light into the darkness. God’s light is the good news of Jesus coming as the Savior of all Mankind. Isaiah 61:1-3 declares:

    The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the LORD has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
    He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners,
    to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor
    and the day of vengeance of our God,
    to comfort all who mourn,
    and provide for those who grieve in Zion –
    to bestow on them a crown of beauty
    instead of ashes,
    the oil of joy instead of mourning
    and a garment of praise
    Instead of a spirit of despair.

    This is the “Good News” that God has commissioned us as His children to declare to a dark and dying world. Light penetrates through darkness. Light attracts those who want warmth and direction. Light generates hope of a breakthrough of the darkness that so enslaves us as humanity. Jesus’ light in our life is the true FREEDOM of the “soul finding its worth”. Let us take the torch of Jesus and hold the “Good News” high to draw those who are still in darkness into the light and warmth of God’s eternal plan of salvation. This is the ultimate darkness to light that God provided through His son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

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    Take Time to Reflect Thu, 28 Dec 2023 14:51:21 +0000 Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year are times of gatherings and reflection.  One of my traditions that captures my introspection of myself and my contribution to the world around me...

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    Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year are times of gatherings and reflection.  One of my traditions that captures my introspection of myself and my contribution to the world around me is watching both It’s A Wonderful Life and Dicken’s Christmas Carol.  These two movies share the redemption story and the impact one individual can have upon the world around them, while yet unknown and hidden to that person until a crisis of life occurs.  These movies help me desire to not wait until a crisis to make a difference in the world around me.

    George Bailey in It’s A Wonderful Life is a direct opposite to Ebenezer Scrooge in Dicken’s Christmas Carol.  George is the giving soul that helps all those around him, while seeing his dreams of fame and fortune slip through his fingers.  Ebenezer however, is a stingy man that acquires wealth at the expense of creating family and friend connections.

    Each man is given the opportunity to see his life in a “dream” state of reflection.  George is able to see how dark and discouraging his town and family would have been if he had not been born.  His presence changed the very trajectory of most of the people in his life.  George did not see them as opportunities to give, he just was doing the loving and right thing as it presented itself.  Through multiple circumstances George begins to believe his life had been worthless and he was more valuable dead than alive, and contemplates suicide so his family can get his life insurance policy benefit.

    Ebenezer on the other hand, is able to see the opportunities of love that he shunned for the acquisition of money.  He lost relationship after relationship due to the choice of money over creating intimate family and friend moments.  Ebenezer is shocked to find that no one even mourned his death.

    Each man comes to the lowest point of his human existence.  Each is confronted head on to the influences that had been afforded them.  George’s awareness causes him to run with glee and embrace the hardships.  He realizes that family and friends are far more valuable than money and fame.  Ebenezer comes to the same conclusion, but by renouncing his past and stating, “I will live with the Spirit of Christmas in my heart all year long!”

    Where are we in the reflection of our life’s journey?  We too often get caught up in the craziness and darkness of the world around us and forget that we have been placed in the world for such a time as this to spread the “Good News” of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection.  There are individuals that have never heard that Jesus is God’s rescue plan over the sin and darkness we see in the world today.  Even some of our own family and friends need the message of hope that a renewed spirit within us can impart to them.

    Neither George nor Ebenezer beat others over the head with their message of hope.  Their lives reflected the change.  With that change, both George and Ebenezer exude joy and gratefulness to live in the moment and not take anything for granted.

    I’m thankful for this time of year.  I am able to look around and determine that I will not focus on me, but realize that this life I live is not my own, it is the life that God has given to me as a gift.  What better gift of appreciation to my Lord and Savior than to give my life back to the King of kings, Lord of lords in an effort to reflect His goodness to the dark and dying world around me. 

    As we close this year and prepare for the New Year, I encourage you to take time to quietly contemplate (without a life crisis) what is your impact and contribution to the spiritual growth of yourself and those who have been placed in your sphere of influence.  You may be the ONLY light of Jesus they may ever see to influence their choices.

    Certainly, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  Some people who have set their hearts on getting rich have wandered away from the Christian faith, and have caused themselves a lot of grief.

    1 Timothy 6:10

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    Another Change of Season Tue, 31 Oct 2023 17:16:19 +0000 We are entering a new season.  Depending on how old you are is how many times you’ve seen this season come and go.  Have you noticed the older you get...

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    We are entering a new season.  Depending on how old you are is how many times you’ve seen this season come and go.  Have you noticed the older you get the faster the seasons seem to come and go?  The change of seasons reminds me of the song “Seasons in the Sun” by (Jacques Brel with lyrics rewritten in 1963 by American singer-poet Rod McKuen, portraying a dying man’s farewell to his loved ones). 

    However, when I notice the seasons flying by I like to go back and reread Ecclesiastes.  Solomon gave us the original  “Seasons in the Sun” stating, “Whatever has happened before will happen again.  Whatever has been done before will be done again.  There is nothing new under the sun.  Can you say that anything is new?  It has already been here long before us. Nothing from the past is remembered.  Even in the future, nothing will be remembered by those who come after us” (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11).  Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 also gives more of Solomon’s musing of the cycles of time. 

    When I reread Ecclesiastes I often find that people want to take Solomon’s melancholy reference of the meaninglessness of life as what God has said.  Did you ever realize that his melancholy and sadness is because of his self-centeredness and loss of focus on God?  Solomon was given the greatest gift of wisdom from God.  Along with that wisdom came the riches, came curiosity, a constant seeking, an effort that became very futile and blocked the depth and the joy of life that God had really intended.  As we go through the changes of the seasons, not only every year but even the seasons in our lives, have we missed or lost the true purpose of enjoying God?

    “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

    1 Corinthians 10:31

    “Question: What is the chief aim of man?

    Answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.”

    Westminster Catechism

    If we are always looking at trying to find the joy of the season, the joy of the Fall (Autumn), the pumpkins, the falling leaves, and everything that Fall can bring us…the beautiful holidays, the smells of the kitchen, the desserts and the family gatherings, do we often after they’re all over feel hollow? 

    I’ve made my effort over time to not be like Solomon and become disillusioned because I don’t get the same satisfaction and joy in everything I do.  Have you ever noticed that the first time you try to do anything, whether it’s to drive, whether it’s to roller skate, whether it’s to dance, or something; there’s an excitement and a newness in whatever the activity might be?  Do you notice that over time as we repeat the activity it becomes such a routine and we don’t even have to think about it?  We miss the very excitement and joy that brought us into wanting to do that activity in the first place. 

    That’s why I’m encouraging all of us to make sure that our number one priority is seeking first the Kingdom of God, His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).  That was Solomon’s original seeking, the Kingdom and subsequently, God gave him all the other things.  However, all the things became a clutter in his mind and his life and it became a distraction that led him away from the number one priority, seeking God.  Let’s not fall into the trap and miss living in the presence of God.  Psalm 16:11 states, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

    Joy is from the heart, it’s not from the circumstances that are around us.  Let us press on to the mark of the High Calling (Philippians 3:14) of Him who set before us a plan, a purpose, a desire to know him (Jeremiah 29:11)…and in knowing Him he will provide all of the other things that we need and help our hearts stay focused so that we do not become bitter and disillusioned like Solomon.  The world around us is dark, very negative, very discouraging; but through Christ in us there is hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). 

    Let us renew that childlike excitement as the seasons change and have an anticipation of a glorious season whether it’s this Fall that’s coming upon us or whether it is Winter, Spring, Summer, and then we start all over again.  Let’s make an effort to not get into a monotonous routine and forget what God has done for us.  Let’s not forget also that when we are in the cycles of life speeding by from childhood, to adolescence, to an adult, and to being in later stages of our life; to not be weary and become disillusioned.  God has a great plan and purpose for us no matter what season we are in, but we must seek Him first and He will provide for us all that we need because He’s such a loving father.  He loves to give good gifts to his children.  Things that we didn’t even expect or see coming, He wants to bless us abundantly above all we could ask or think.  Let’s anticipate this change of season, whatever it might be for you, as an opportunity to receive the presence and the gift of God into our lives for today.

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    Political Debates and Children Thu, 24 Aug 2023 13:19:03 +0000 Did you watch the debate last night? Yeah, right. Well, at least that is what I imagine would be many people’s reply. I’m an older lady, but it used to...

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    Did you watch the debate last night? Yeah, right. Well, at least that is what I imagine would be many people’s reply. I’m an older lady, but it used to be that politics came up every 2 or 4 years. Now there is literally not a single day that goes by that doesn’t have some sort of story about some candidate or some policy or some controversy about some policy or candidate. And there are still over 14 months until the next presidential election! When we are already burned out by all the news coverage, it seems like they are asking a lot of us to start caring about the election this far ahead of time.

    Added to the oversaturation is the fact that no one likes the two front running candidates. Polls consistently show that a majority of Americans do not want either of the leading contenders to win reelection. So debates and campaigns seem pointless and boring.

    But kids don’t know that. My husband was one of the people watching the debate on television last night, and our 13-year-old son walked through the living room. He stopped briefly to ask who these people were. When my husband told him they were people running for President, my son said he thought Mr. Trump was the person running, so my husband briefly explained to him the purpose and point of political primaries.

    I realized that my son was in 2nd or 3rd grade when the last big campaign season was taking place, and he really doesn’t know how it all works. To him, and probably to most children and teens, it isn’t the same old, same old. For many of them, it is their first experience with an election or at least the first one they remember.

    Now you have heard the advice about not talking about religion or politics at family dinners, and to some extent that applies to public blogs as well, so you will get no advice from me about who to vote for. But I will advise you to think about the young people – whether they are your kids, your grandkids, or just the kids in your church or neighborhood. Try not to sound as jaded as you may feel about this election. Yes, our country seems to have made many mistakes in recent years to get us in the mess we are in, but without elections and the right to choose our leaders ourselves, we are left with someone who takes all our choices away.

    So when the little (or even bigger) ears are listening, instead of putting down the election process, build it up. Stress our privilege and responsibility to pay attention so that perhaps when they start voting, they make wiser decisions than we have. Help them understand and care. And maybe watch a debate.

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    6 Steps to Restore Balance In Your Life Thu, 27 Jul 2023 16:39:43 +0000 Do you feel like you’re constantly running around but never getting anything done? Or do you feel overwhelmed by life and don’t know where to start? I’ve definitely been there...

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    Do you feel like you’re constantly running around but never getting anything done? Or do you feel overwhelmed by life and don’t know where to start? I’ve definitely been there as a mom, a professional, and even just as a human.

    My background is in Business and Industrial Counseling and Project Leadership.  Developing and maintaining a balanced lifestyle personally and corporately is vital to avoid burnout.  I have taught time management and find that it is not a one and done activity.  You need to review your plan once or twice a year.  You also need to take into consideration any changes that have come into your life like: illness, children/grandchildren, job change, or any other activities (self chosen or mandated by others) that may have become part of your routine.

    I will run you through an abbreviated “Time Management” session within this blog.  This could be a 1 to 2 day workshop.  You can take the general concepts and spend additional time on your personal specifics to establish a healthy lifestyle that includes your family, your work, and others within your sphere of influence.

    1. Make a list

    Make a list (in a schedule format or the 24-hr segment) of all the things you do within a day.  At this point you are just calculating how much time you spend completing each activity (not at what time you complete them).  Realize that some days are different from others and you may need to create two or three versions (ex. M, W, F are the same, however, Tuesday and Thursday are different).  You can then decide if you want to make a list that includes Saturday and Sunday.

    Often I use a 24-hr segmented circle and fill in the segments like this.

    My non committed time is used for me to write my blogs, Bible study, cook, pay bills, stay in touch with family and friends, read news feeds, and watch movies with my husband.  During the school year, my non committed time is used creating lesson plans and grading papers.  I will be filling my non committed time soon with academic activities to maintain my teaching certification.  8-hours of non committed time is enough to hold a second job.  However, everyone at different times in their lives will find their non committed time will vary due to the stage of life and responsibilities they possess.

    2. Take Away From Your List

    Look at your list and decide if there is something you don’t like.  Do you spend too much time driving to and from “somewhere?”  Do you not get enough sleep?  Is there no time for your “favorite” hobby or activity?  Jot these observations down so you can come back to them later.

    3. Add To Your List

    Now decide if there is anything that you would like to add to your schedule.  Time to go back to school?  Time to spend with family?  Time to garden or paint?  Jot these observations down so you can come back to them later.

    4. Delegate or Eliminate Needless Tasks

    From your original list, determine if there is anything that is not your responsibility and you can delegate or stop.  This may take some time in thinking.  It also may be where you could spend a little extra money to have someone do for you, what you really don’t have time to do for yourself.  There are more and more services that deliver groceries and online ordered items right to your door.

    My sister and I have an elderly mother that needs a caregiver.  At first we thought she needed a 24-7 caregiver after returning home from an Assisted Living facility.  However, after several months, we found she really only needed someone two times a week for a couple of hours each day.  My sister most often can order the groceries online and pick them up at the door or have them delivered to Mom.  The pharmacy delivers Mom’s meds and other supplies as needed.  My sister works full time, I don’t live in the area, and there is no way my sister can meet all of Mom’s needs and stay mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.  It cost, but it is well worth it. With children or co-workers you may be able to create a carpool or a coop that shares responsibilities. Consider creative ways to streamline or reduce the burden of your responsibilities.

    5. Group Tasks Together

    From the original list, determine if there are activities that can be grouped together in a bundle so as not to be “running with your head cut off?”  Do you need to make a weekly or monthly grocery list that consolidates your shopping?

    Here are some of my suggestions that I have worked on over the years.

    • If I need to make phone calls, I lump them into morning and afternoon calls.  I allow 15-30 minutes total for each set of calls.  These can be either personal or business.  If I’m in the middle of another activity and I see it isn’t an urgent call, I don’t answer the phone and call back later.  I can then schedule longer family calls with kids, grandkids, and other family members during the week as I have time allotted.
    • Paying the bills has always made my head hurt (even typing this sentence it started).  I’m very thankful through God’s grace paying bills really isn’t as stressful as it was in the early days of adulthood.  However, the anxiety still rises up.  Therefore, I’ve lumped my bills into batches (very similar to the phone calls).  I sit down and pay any bills that are to be paid between the 1st – 5th.  I have no more bills due until the 15th.  I don’t even worry about them and only pull them out on that day and pay them.  Then I pay any remaining bills from the 20th – 30th on the 20th of each month.  I’ve created my own file system so that the amounts, the phone numbers, and online accesses are easily available and it has reduced the time I have had to spend on a very uncomfortable, but necessary activity in my life.

    6. Fill Your Time Intentionally

    After you have deleted, delegated, or batched activities from your original list, determine how much extra time you have now created.  Even if it is only 30 minutes you have gained, you now need to decide what activity can fill that time.  You also will want to keep an eye on your daily activities because you may be able to find other time that may be wasted without you realizing how it is robbing you of “productive” time.  How much time do you spend on social media?  How much time do you spend vegging out watching T.V.?  You may be able to convert some of these times to more “productive” activities you have listed that you would like to add to your life.

    As you continue to review your activities in an ongoing fashion, you will find that it becomes easier to make decisions to add, delete, or delegate from your scheduled activities and create balance for you and your family.

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