93.7 The Light https://937thelight.com/ Christian Talk + Teaching Fri, 21 Mar 2025 21:31:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://937thelight.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Light-logo-2019-100x100-1-100x100.png 93.7 The Light https://937thelight.com/ 32 32 Declare Dayton 2025 Summer Events https://937thelight.com/declare-dayton-2025-summer-events/ https://937thelight.com/declare-dayton-2025-summer-events/#respond Fri, 21 Mar 2025 21:31:34 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12757 Caleb Ingram & Marcy Walker of Declare talk through the 2025 events and projects for Declare Dayton - bringing churches together in the name of Jesus for the Dayton community.

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Caleb Ingram & Marcy Walker of Declare talk through the 2025 events and projects for Declare Dayton – bringing churches together in the name of Jesus for the Dayton community.

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Cal Thomas on Making America Great https://937thelight.com/cal-thomas-on-making-america-great/ https://937thelight.com/cal-thomas-on-making-america-great/#respond Wed, 12 Mar 2025 20:31:08 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12712 Cal Thomas has been provoking discussion and debate for 40 years. He is bringing his love for America to Cedarville University for a March 13th event supporting Legacy Christian Academy - his theme is Making America Great. learn more at https://www.legacyknights.org/support-lca/leaf.cfm

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Cal Thomas has been provoking discussion and debate for 40 years. He is bringing his love for America to Cedarville University for a March 13th event supporting Legacy Christian Academy – his theme is Making America Great. learn more at https://www.legacyknights.org/support-lca/leaf.cfm

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A Tale of Two Kings | Bold Stepper Weekly https://937thelight.com/a-tale-of-two-kings-bold-stepper-weekly/ https://937thelight.com/a-tale-of-two-kings-bold-stepper-weekly/#respond Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:47:08 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12028 This Week’s Bold Step The Lord has done what he predicted through me [Samuel]. The Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hands [Saul] and given itto one of...

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Often when our purpose isn’t clear, we lose confidence.

Mark Jobe

This Week’s Bold Step

We’re a culture that’s obsessed with books on leadership. At last count, Amazon currently offers 57,136 books with the word “leadership” in the title but in a recent study, only 35% of employees felt inspired by their boss. Clearly, there’s a disconnect between the number of books being written and how bosses are leading their people. One would have to consider that with all the great leadership advice available at our fingertips, why are so many bosses ineffective leaders?

Leadership is fundamental to the success of any organization as it was in biblical history. Two contrasting examples of leadership styles that offer valuable lessons for today’s leaders are David and Saul. If you’re a seasoned leader or aspiring to be one, there are timeless insights you can glean from the lives of these two men.

David represented a leadership style that was characterized by humility, courage, and a dependence on God. Despite his shortcomings, he was marked by his heartfelt repentance, a reconnaissance of his failures, and a determination to improve (Psalm 51). Ultimately, David would become a revered king of Israel that remained faithful to his people and to God leading with an empathetic nature that inspired those around him.

Conversely, Saul, the first king of Israel, demonstrated a leadership style that was primarily driven by fear, selfishness, and pride. Though he was initially humble and reluctant to lead, over time, his insecurities, power struggle and disobedience to God led to his downfall. He was plagued with trust issues which led to impulsive decisions. At no time did he seek wise counsel from others or from God.

In our culture today, understanding these leadership styles can equip you in your own leadership journey. Whether you’re a manager of a company, a coach of a sports team, or a parent of young children, you are a leader when people count on you. Leadership isn’t just about getting results, but about finding the confidence and strength in God and His unique purpose and mission for each one of us.

God is calling you to make a difference in the here and now to those around you!

This devotional was written by Pastor Mark Jobe and used with permission from Moody Radio.

To learn more and to access other amazing resources please visit http://www.boldstepsradio.org/

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Songs For The Journey | Today In The Word https://937thelight.com/songs-for-the-journey-today-in-the-word/ https://937thelight.com/songs-for-the-journey-today-in-the-word/#respond Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:46:25 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=11997 The Lord will watch over your coming and going    both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8 Read Psalm 121 We often play our favorite songs in the car while taking a road trip with...

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The Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:8

Read Psalm 121

We often play our favorite songs in the car while taking a road trip with family or friends, or sometimes we listen in the privacy of our headphones or earbuds while flying from one airport to another.

There is a collection of songs in the Psalms that were a sort of playlist for travelers. It is believed that the Songs of Ascents (Ps. 120–134) were sung by God’s people as they journeyed to Jerusalem to observe the pilgrimage feasts as commanded by God (Lev. 23). For many, this road was long, arduous, and even dangerous with threats from both man and beast. But despite these challenges, we see God’s people praising and thanking Him, crying out to their Maker with an immovable faith and a clear direction of where they are heading.

What an insight for us today! Do we praise and petition the Lord as we journey from place to place each day, hour, or even through each stage of life? Do we have a clear awareness of where we are headed and where our strength comes from? The psalmist writes that “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?” (Ps. 121:1). Lifting our eyes upward ahead to the mountains that surround Jerusalem (Ps. 125:2) is a picture of praying, asking for God’s help and strength now while knowing Him and focused on our final destination. In Christ, our present help and destination is in Him and His presence where we will dwell with Him forever (Ps. 23:6).

While we travel the bumpy road of this earthly life, may Christ be the soundtrack of our lives, for He is the One who made heaven and earth (v. 2). May we lift up our eyes to the hills around Jerusalem, knowing it is the cross and crown of Christ on which we stand and journey.

Go Deeper

What is a Song of Ascent? Why did people sing while on their journeys? What application does this have for our lives today?

Pray With Us

Lord Jesus, may we follow the Psalmist’s example to trust You and seek our protection only in You. May we remember that our help comes from You, “the Maker of heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:2). We lift our eyes to You!

This Devotional is from Sing to the Lord: Music in the Bible written by author Dr. Brian Lee

Find more edifying, Christ-centered devotionals and other great resources at www.todayintheword.org

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Trusting God in the Waiting: What Ohio Weather Can Teach Us About God https://937thelight.com/trusting-god-in-the-waiting-what-ohio-weather-can-teach-us-about-god/ https://937thelight.com/trusting-god-in-the-waiting-what-ohio-weather-can-teach-us-about-god/#respond Mon, 10 Mar 2025 15:25:54 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12695 In like a lion, out like a lamb. I don’t know if it is always true or not, but that is what they taught us about the month of March...

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In like a lion, out like a lamb. I don’t know if it is always true or not, but that is what they taught us about the month of March in elementary school. March here in the Ohio area certainly is a month of transition. Winter starts to lose its cold grip, and we begin to see the first tiny little hints of spring – buds on the trees, birds returning, and peeks of the sun.

But it doesn’t happen all at once. The calendar saying “spring” doesn’t make winter disappear overnight. There are still gray skies, chilly mornings, and unexpected storms. We want the warmth and light of spring and summer, but it seems as if it will never come.

Our lives sometimes feel like that. We know God is always working, but we feel stuck waiting for Him to answer our prayers, waiting for a situation to be resolved, waiting for a new chapter to begin. So let’s take a look at nature to see what it can teach us about God.

The seasons always change in God’s perfect timing. No matter how long winter lasts, spring will come. The Bible says there is a season for everything and a time for every event that happens (Ecclesiastes 3:1). When we feel that we have been waiting for such a long winter season, remember that God has been working the whole time. The trees and flowers do not panic. They rest in waiting, knowing God will bring growth at the right time.

Growth happens below the surface. In the spring, we do not always see growth. Flowers haven’t bloomed, and the trees are still bare. But growth is happening beneath the ground, and roots are growing deeper.

We may not see any growth in our lives either, but in our patient waiting, God is strengthening us and deepening our trust and dependence on Him. The waiting isn’t wasted time; it is when most spiritual growth occurs. We do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Storms come before blooms. Spring in Ohio means rainstorms (sometimes snowstorms!) and unpredictable weather. But when that is over, we will have flowers, green grass, and new life. Our lives often work the same way. In the storms of life, God is doing amazing things. The storms are not meant to hurt us but to nourish us, to feed us, and prepare us to bloom. When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow (James 1:2-3).

God’s plan is always greater than we imagine. Despite the dreariness of March, we see hints of encouragement – a robin in the lawn, daffodils pushing up through the ground, and buds on the trees. These give us hope for what is coming.

Even if you haven’t yet received what you are waiting for, look for the small signs of God’s grace, goodness, and faithfulness in your life. God is working, and what He does is always bigger than we can even imagine. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9).

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Don’t Envy The Wicked https://937thelight.com/dont-envy-the-wicked/ https://937thelight.com/dont-envy-the-wicked/#respond Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:37:39 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=11940 Written By Tracy Figley | CEO Strong Tower Christian Media When my children were young, one of the phrases we often heard around our house was: “That’s not fair!” Almost...

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Written By Tracy Figley | CEO Strong Tower Christian Media

When my children were young, one of the phrases we often heard around our house was: “That’s not fair!” Almost from the time they could talk, it seemed they had radar that could detect unequal treatment. Now that my kids are grown, I see it in my grandchildren. “She did this and got away with it!’ or “I got punished and he didn’t!” It seems as though the little ones have an overly developed sense of fairness. Of course, the adult in the room has to break up the fight and remind the little immature humans that life isn’t always fair.

Since more often than not, I was that adult, today I wonder why I didn’t learn that lesson. Oh, for me it’s no longer about sibling rivalry but I realize that I’m still greatly bothered by the unfair! Whether it’s the child who is mistreated by a bully, the godly person who is marginalized for their faith, or the helpless who are cast aside. I’m an adult now. Why does it still bother me when truth is maligned and deception lauded or when good is called evil and evil called good? Maybe as believers, God made us to have that sensitivity. And I know I’m in good company.

Asaph was a musician who wrote a few of the Psalms. My favorite is Psalm 73. It’s worth the read. He starts out very transparent about his feelings with these words:

“Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”

Asaph goes on to lament that the wicked don’t suffer pain but continually grow fat. They aren’t in trouble but are constantly causing it. They are proud and covered with violence. They don’t believe Heaven sees or will hold them accountable. That description from an ancient psalmist sounds like it could have been in this morning’s paper.

So, what do we as adults do with this frustrating feeling? May I suggest that we do what Asaph did? Get a Heavenly perspective. We pick up his thoughts with verse 16:

“But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end. Truly you set them in slippery places; you make them fall to ruin.”

Our God promises to make all things right one day. Chances are though, it won’t be in our preferred timing. But it is a promise we can hold on to and until that day, we can regain our Lord’s perspective on all that is going on around us by spending time in prayer, in His Word and in His House!

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Foster Family Support HERE https://937thelight.com/foster-family-support-here/ https://937thelight.com/foster-family-support-here/#respond Tue, 04 Mar 2025 18:35:36 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12679 Ryan Craig shares Hope’s Closet Ohio's mission to provide clothing and other material needs, community, and loving support to foster children and the foster parents who care for them. Learn more at www.hopesclosetohio.org

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Ryan Craig shares Hope’s Closet Ohio’s mission to provide clothing and other material needs, community, and loving support to foster children and the foster parents who care for them. Learn more at www.hopesclosetohio.org

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Titanic – through the eyes of the passengers https://937thelight.com/titanic-through-the-eyes-of-the-passengers/ https://937thelight.com/titanic-through-the-eyes-of-the-passengers/#respond Tue, 18 Feb 2025 20:17:22 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12639 John Zaller of Exhibition Hub talks about the 40 year anniversary of the finding of the Titanic wreckage. Cincinnati is hosting Titanic: An Immersive Voyage where visitors, through technology and curated artifacts, will experience the discovery, the wreckage, and the stories of the Titanic through the eyes of the passengers. Learn more at www.expo-titanic.com/cincinnati

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John Zaller of Exhibition Hub talks about the 40 year anniversary of the finding of the Titanic wreckage. Cincinnati is hosting Titanic: An Immersive Voyage where visitors, through technology and curated artifacts, will experience the discovery, the wreckage, and the stories of the Titanic through the eyes of the passengers. Learn more at www.expo-titanic.com/cincinnati

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What happens after foster care? https://937thelight.com/disciple-of-destiny-dayton/ https://937thelight.com/disciple-of-destiny-dayton/#respond Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:55:17 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12603 Dale Nieberding with Disciple of Destiny shares about the mission to support 18 year old adults who have been in the foster care system with housing, career guidance, & life coaching. Learn more at www.DiscipleofDestiny.com

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Dale Nieberding with Disciple of Destiny shares about the mission to support 18 year old adults who have been in the foster care system with housing, career guidance, & life coaching. Learn more at www.DiscipleofDestiny.com

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40 Days For Life in Dayton https://937thelight.com/40-days-for-life-in-dayton/ https://937thelight.com/40-days-for-life-in-dayton/#respond Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:55:47 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12599 Gary Taphorn & Jenny Shoup share their involvement in 40 Days For Life in Dayton with a challenge for others to pray & get involved in the Pro-Life March 2, 2025 gathering in Kettering. Learn more at www.40daysforlife.com/Dayton

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Gary Taphorn & Jenny Shoup share their involvement in 40 Days For Life in Dayton with a challenge for others to pray & get involved in the Pro-Life March 2, 2025 gathering in Kettering. Learn more at www.40daysforlife.com/Dayton

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Equipping your church in Ohio https://937thelight.com/equipping-the-church-in-ohio/ https://937thelight.com/equipping-the-church-in-ohio/#respond Tue, 11 Feb 2025 20:18:30 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12584 Mark Burd shares the mission & vision of Revive Ohio. How can we partner and work together for your church & community? - learn more at www.ReviveOH.com

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Mark Burd shares the mission & vision of Revive Ohio. How can we partner and work together for your church & community? – learn more at www.ReviveOH.com

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Football: The Other American Pastime https://937thelight.com/football-the-other-american-pastime/ https://937thelight.com/football-the-other-american-pastime/#respond Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:24:58 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12578 My dad and grandfather could be considered “football fanatics.” Much of my childhood memory is spending time with my dad and grandpa watching football and learning the rules of the...

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My dad and grandfather could be considered “football fanatics.” Much of my childhood memory is spending time with my dad and grandpa watching football and learning the rules of the game. I even asked for an automated (before electronic) football game as a Christmas present. Football often is a unifying festivity that brings families and friends together. While individuals may be cheering for opposing teams, there is usually amiable adversarial ribbing that adds to the entertainment of those emotionally engaged.

American Football Origins and Early Development

American football has evolved over more than a century. What we know as American football can be traced back to the late 1880s. The first intercollegiate football game occurred between Rutgers and Princeton on November 6, 1869. Football of that time actually was a combination between soccer and rugby.

Walter Camp introduced significant rule changes in the 1880s that included: establishment of the line of scrimmage, the systems of downs, and the concept of a set number of players per side.

The Rise of College and Professional Football

College football became very popular across the United States during the early 1900s. However, during the rise of football, there was a lack of safety initiatives. This led to President Theodore Roosevelt to push for reforms. His influence led to the formation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States in 1906. This organization was later renamed as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

The first professional football player was William “Pudge” Heffelfinger who was paid $500 on November 12, 1892, playing for the Allegheny Athletic Association.

In 1920 the American Professional Football Association (APFA) was developed, and renamed the National Football League (NFL) IN 1922.

Significant Innovations of American Football

The NFL introduced a structured schedule and a championship game that eventually became what we recognize now. The NFL also introduced the forward pass rule that added to the excitement and unpredictability of the game.

The NFL and American Football League (AFL) merged in 1966 (the full merger of the AFL-NFL was completed in 1970), leading to the first AFL-NFL World Championship game in 1967, now known as the Super Bowl. This inaugural game was played between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Packers won with a 35-10 score.

The Vince Lombardi Trophy is awarded to the Super Bowl champion. This trophy honors the legendary Green Bay Packers and their coach who led his team to victories in the first two Super Bowls.

Football governance continues to negotiate technological advancement and rule changes to advance player safety.

Notable Dynasties

  • 1970s: The Pittsburgh Steelers won four Super Bowls in six years (1975, 1976, 1979, 1980), and gained the title “Steel Curtain.”
  • 1980s: The San Francisco 49ers, under quarterback Joe Montana, won four titles (1982, 1985, 1989, 1990).
  • 1990s: The Dallas Cowboys secured three championships in four years (1993, 1994, 1996).
  • 2000s: The New England Patriots, led by quarterback Tom Brady and coach Bill Belichick won three Super Bowls in four years (2002, 2004, 2005) and continued with additional titles in 2015, 2017, and 2019.
  • 2020s: The Kansas City Chiefs have rallied and been a formidable force winning Super Bowls in 2020, 2023, and 2024.

Super Bowl LIX 2025

February 9, 2025

The clash between the New England Patriots and the Kansas City Chiefs is a continuing battle for team dominance in the 2000s.

However, the battle between the top two American football teams is now history. The Kansas City Chiefs, while fighting to stay alive, did not accomplish winning three Super Bowls in a row. The Philadelphia Eagles add another win to their 2000 Dynasty with a 40 point win over the Kansas City Chiefs’ 22 points.

Share with us your reflections on American football and the amount of focus that is given to this sport and how football has been or not been part of your family’s heritage.

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Praying for our leaders in government https://937thelight.com/praying-for-our-leaders-in-government/ https://937thelight.com/praying-for-our-leaders-in-government/#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2025 21:42:26 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12542 Emmanuel Makolo with Capitol Ministries reminds of the power in praying for those who serve in government. Capitol Ministries is actively involved in developing bible study & prayer groups with leaders around the world without any lobbying or agenda other than pointing to towards God & His Word. Learn more at CapMin.org

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Emmanuel Makolo with Capitol Ministries reminds of the power in praying for those who serve in government. Capitol Ministries is actively involved in developing bible study & prayer groups with leaders around the world without any lobbying or agenda other than pointing to towards God & His Word. Learn more at CapMin.org

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Healthy pets make healthy people https://937thelight.com/healthy-pets-healthy-people/ https://937thelight.com/healthy-pets-healthy-people/#respond Wed, 29 Jan 2025 19:54:15 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12528 Dr Kelly Fishman shares ways to keep our pets healthier while our pets help keep us healthy. Learn more with Dr Kelly @ www.StrutAnimal.com

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Dr Kelly Fishman shares ways to keep our pets healthier while our pets help keep us healthy. Learn more with Dr Kelly @ www.StrutAnimal.com

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Marriage Goal: Oneness https://937thelight.com/marriage-goal-oneness/ https://937thelight.com/marriage-goal-oneness/#respond Wed, 29 Jan 2025 19:32:20 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12523 Corwin & Kim Anthony share the value of taking a weekend to focus on your marriage with the goal of oneness. Learn more about reserving your place at an upcoming weekend in Cincinnati, Columbus, or Indianapolis at www.WeekendtoRemember.com

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Corwin & Kim Anthony share the value of taking a weekend to focus on your marriage with the goal of oneness. Learn more about reserving your place at an upcoming weekend in Cincinnati, Columbus, or Indianapolis at www.WeekendtoRemember.com

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Praise Before Deliverance | Today In The Word https://937thelight.com/praise-before-deliverance-today-in-the-word/ https://937thelight.com/praise-before-deliverance-today-in-the-word/#respond Wed, 29 Jan 2025 15:00:52 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=11980 I will extol the Lord at all times;    his praise will always be on my lips. Psalm 34:1 Read 2 Chronicles 20 When trouble arises, is our first reflex to look to God,...

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I will extol the Lord at all times;
    his praise will always be on my lips.

Psalm 34:1

Read 2 Chronicles 20

When trouble arises, is our first reflex to look to God, to worship and praise Him before anything else? If we are honest, our tendency is to make plans first on how to “fix” the problem or take action. But how often do we worship and praise God before He has answered our prayers?

King Jehoshaphat did! Before facing the enemy, he appointed singers to the front of the army headed for battle; to “sing to the Lord and to praise him” (v. 21). Any reasonable person would say this is a foolish strategy. Why did this leader do that? Earlier in the chapter, we see that Jehoshaphat’s first response to trouble, like so many of the righteous in Scripture, was to humble himself and pray. He was “alarmed” and “resolved to inquire of the Lord” (v. 3). His private prayer then led to a public one before the assembly in the temple courtyard. Here we read the prayer of a man who acknowledged that true power does not come from within us but from the One who our eyes look to (v. 12).

Only then did Jehoshaphat exhort his people to action: “take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you” (v. 17). In other words, be faithful in what God has given you and be steadfast; knowing that the victory has been won. Is it possible to have a bad day if we truly live like this?! Even in uncertainty, they continued to worship and praise the Lord and build one another up for the battle ahead (vv. 18–20), with the choir/worship team leading praise at the head of the army. While it is easy to praise after answered prayer, may we extol the Lord at all times, for “his praise will always be on my lips” (Ps. 34:1).

Go Deeper

When a crisis arrives, what is your natural response? What do we learn from Jehoshaphat’s example? What do you need to bring before the Lord today?

Pray With Us

God, we are grateful for the wonderful examples of the heroes of faith You have given to us! May we be inspired by their faithfulness! Give us endurance to join them and in one voice glorify You.

This Devotional is from Sing to the Lord: Music in the Bible written by author Dr. Brian Lee

Find more edifying, Christ-centered devotionals and other great resources at www.todayintheword.org

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Waiting on the Good Shepherd | Bold Stepper Weekly https://937thelight.com/waiting-on-the-good-shepherd-bold-stepper-weekly/ https://937thelight.com/waiting-on-the-good-shepherd-bold-stepper-weekly/#respond Wed, 29 Jan 2025 15:00:07 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12025 This Week’s Bold Step So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord...

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Spiritual passion stays on course through our obedience in the small ventures of life.

Mark Jobe

This Week’s Bold Step

Shepherding is one of the oldest occupations in the world with its origins being over 5000 years old. The relationship between sheep and their shepherd is very special and unique as it is one of complete dependence and trust. Since sheep have little strength to defend themselves against predators, they rely completely on their shepherd to protect them. They worry little about the direction they’re traveling in or their daily food intake because they trust the leadership of their shepherd. In the ancient Near East, the care of a shepherd to his flock was a common metaphor for the leadership of people, especially kingship such as the shepherd king of Israel, David.

Few Old Testament characters have had as much impact on the Christian faith with his humble beginnings. When we first encounter David, he’s out tending to his father’s flock of sheep in the fields of Bethlehem. Though he was the youngest of his brothers and not included in the special sacrifice arranged by the prophet Samuel, he was the one God had chosen to be anointed king and shepherd a different flock, His people Israel.

What a profound moment for David! He wasn’t in the bloodline of Israel’s first king, Saul. He wasn’t rich in class or status. He was the youngest son. He was a lowly shepherd. One would think that he would have become king right then and there but surprisingly, he returns to being a shepherd like nothing happened. But something did happen that day which I Samuel 16:13 records, “The Spirit of the Lord took control of David from that day forward.” Though it would be another 15 years before David would reign as king, God would teach and prepare David during that season of waiting. It wasn’t a waste of time. Much of what David learned in that season, he applied as a leader of men.

Friend, be encouraged if you’re in a season of waiting. Like David, there is often a period of time between your calling and where you are today. I’ve learned that whatever you’re doing right at this moment is what God has called you to right now. Waiting isn’t meant to be a frustration but an invitation to be obedient and trust the good shepherd for His good timing. Ask yourself, are you allowing this time to be fruitful or frustrating?

This devotional was written by Pastor Mark Jobe and used with permission from Moody Radio.

To learn more and to access other amazing resources please visit http://www.boldstepsradio.org/

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My Dad Was A Patient Champion https://937thelight.com/my-dad-was-a-patient-champion/ https://937thelight.com/my-dad-was-a-patient-champion/#respond Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:59:01 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=11942 Written by Lauren Kitchens | Morning Host 93.7 The Light Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility,...

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Written by Lauren Kitchens | Morning Host 93.7 The Light

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

Colossians 3:12

When I think of my Dad, the first word that comes to mind is patient. How many times did I run out of gas in the wee hours of the morning, run up his credit card bill on polo shirts, or bring way too many friends on vacation? I really think any other man would have gladly traded me in for a better daughter model any day of the week.

Dad was a beautiful picture of Jesus and I know, now, that is so rare. He made it easy for me to believe God was good and true and loving. My dad was born a champion. You know, one of those “one in a million” people that just came here good.

He was smack dab in the middle of a passel of boys. He started carrying a paper route when he was 10, rising up at the crack of dawn every morning with his older brother, to deliver the daily news to one and all. After a full morning, even in the Summer, they came home to a yummy breakfast, then went about their day. This paper route money, saved for 8 years, would go on to pay for dad’s college education.

My dad often told me unbelievable stories, which I have written on the fibers of my heart. One time, while serving in the Air Force, he was flying with his battalion when their plane started to break apart. In an instant, the pilot realized Dad was the only one with no parachute, so he decided to try to steady the plane a wee bit longer and then things began to settle down. That very day, Dad learned the power of prayer. After they settled safely on the ground, the pilot shouted back to Dad as they walked from the tarmac. “Hey Kitchens, you must be a praying man.” Indeed, he was and continued to be until his roll was beautifully called up yonder 70 years later.

Dad was one of those rare gems that could put everyone at ease instantly. He was a dentist for 40 years and people loved him. Most people dread a visit to the dentist, but not his patients. He would make people laugh, with his demure sense of humor, and even distract them from an impending shot. When he retired, it was a sad local community. I remember vividly coming home for some occasion or another and Dad had sweetly placed an adorable teddy bear in a dress and hair bow on my bed with a sign that read, “Welcome Home!” signed Tessie. I still have that bear to this day.

I had the honor of being there when my dad took his last breath on this earth. Not long before, he had asked for a good ole cup of coffee, one of his favorite things. Days before in the hospital, he would drift in and out and often stroke the invisible pets that I know he was seeing on the other side. I wish I could have only seen a glimpse of the grand reunion they had in glory as he was tenderly and jubilantly welcomed home.

I have often asked the Lord why I was so blessed to have one of the most amazing men on the planet as my Dad. I feel the Lord sweetly replies, “So you can take that love to those around you everywhere you go.” And I am determined to do just that!!

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Sidewalk training at Dayton RTL https://937thelight.com/sidewalk-training-at-dayton-rtl/ https://937thelight.com/sidewalk-training-at-dayton-rtl/#respond Fri, 24 Jan 2025 20:40:28 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12507 Margie Christie of Dayton Right To Life on the current state of the unborn in southwest Ohio - details on sidewalk training available at www.daytonlife.org

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Margie Christie of Dayton Right To Life on the current state of the unborn in southwest Ohio – details on sidewalk training available at www.daytonlife.org

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Pregnant in Clark County? Help is available! https://937thelight.com/pregnant-in-clark-county-help-is-available/ https://937thelight.com/pregnant-in-clark-county-help-is-available/#respond Fri, 24 Jan 2025 20:35:45 +0000 https://937thelight.com/?p=12503 Nichole Patch, RN, Executive Director with PRC Clark County, talks about services & resources for pregnant women and couples.

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Nichole Patch, RN, Executive Director with PRC Clark County, talks about services & resources for pregnant women and couples.

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