It’s almost time for Thanksgiving! Perhaps you’ve been trying to figure out how you can help the people around you for the holiday, whether they be friends struggling with stress, people in your community that don’t have enough money for a holiday dinner, or neighbors you just want to show Christ’s love to. Do you want to help, but you just don’t know what to do? We’ve got you covered. Here are 4 ways you can help people this Thanksgiving.
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1. Thanksgiving Basket
Let’s get the most obvious option out of the way first! If your church or community center is accepting donations to put together Thanksgiving dinner baskets to give to families in need, you could donate or volunteer to help assemble the baskets, or deliver them to families. This provides a much-needed help to people who don’t have the extra money for a big holiday meal. If you’d like to do something different, or in addition, read on!

2. Cook
Of course, Thanksgiving is a food-centered holiday, so there are lots of opportunities to use your gift of cooking, should you desire to. Maybe you could:
a. Invite friends who don’t have family nearby to your dinner.
b. Get together a few friends to cook a whole Thanksgiving dinner for a family in financial trouble.
c. Make pies for your neighbors.
d. Participate in a dinner for local homeless people.

3. For The Non-Cooking Ones
If you’re more of the order-in type of person, there are ways you can help, too! You could send an anonymous grocery store gift card to a family in your neighborhood, or order a fully cooked Thanksgiving dinner from a local grocery store, restaurant, or Bob Evans. Or, if you’re going to a restaurant for your Thanksgiving dinner, you could invite people to come along with you!
4. Other Types of Help
Maybe you know someone who is overwhelmed, stressed, or just plain struggling. You could offer to watch their kids to give them a little alone time, or help them clean their house if it’s company-related stress they’re experiencing. Another idea could be to do their grocery shopping to give them a little margin in their schedule.
We’d love to hear from you! What are some ways you can think of to help people in your life this Thanksgiving?
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