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Written by Lauren Kitchens | Morning Host 93.7 The Light

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19

It’s Monday, July 16, 1945. It’s 5:30 in the morning. A blinding flash suddenly awakens the sleepy village of Carrizozo, New Mexico. Two minutes later there is a deafening roar. The first atomic bomb has been detonated 35 miles away, and a new age has been ushered in.

Less than a month later, on August 6, President Harry Truman announced to the nation that an atomic bomb had been dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Oddly enough, the code name for the atomic bomb project was Trinity. I’d like to think Harry Truman knew the power behind that name.

I mean, think about it, we carry that same atomic power Jesus gave to the disciples, all those many years ago, to go out into all four corners and touch a hurting, dying world, to truly be His hands and feet. Tragically, we seem to overlook or forget this tremendous calling on our lives from the moment we accept Jesus as our Savior. From the instant that glorious relationship begins, the enemy does all he can to drive us away from understanding the tremendous power we carry. His mantra becomes: “If I can’t win their souls, I’ll pull every trick out of my hat to make sure they are totally ineffective.” I mean, he’ll come at us with everything under the sun possible. He’ll try to waylay us in the midnight hour as an individual. He doesn’t play.

But, in this rough and tumble, never ending battle, our sanity comes from knowing he is fully defeated in the end. We’ve read the back of The Book and we win!  So thankful today for beloved souls who have taken time to remind me of this truth when I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. Here’s the beautiful hope, dear ones. In all this muck & mire, Jesus has ushered in the power to trample on the enemy’s head with the strength of the Cross. There is nothing, not one thing we can’t overcome with the Holy Spirit living and dwelling in our souls.

You, my friend, are an atomic bomb for the Kingdom! Now that’s something to shout about today!!

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