Being a good listener is an unusual and rare quality in people these days, but when you see it, you appreciate it. Listening is a skill that takes patience and practice, but many of us have packed our schedules to the point that we don’t have the time to actually stop and listen to what people are saying to us. Or, if during the COVID lockdown time, you found yourself with lots of time, but so much worry and anxiety you had no emotional energy to be a good listener, the result is the same. This is a dangerous pattern that can leave us isolated and lonely, not knowing which way to turn.
A great place to start is learning to listen to God. Your relationship with Him will grow and strengthen, and His heart for people will help you be a better listener for those around you.

3 Ways To Learn To Listen To God
- Quiet Time: After you pray, spend time silently waiting before the Lord. If your thoughts keep turning to something else, ask “Lord, do You have anything to say to me?” and wait quietly. Sometimes it’s so hard to keep your mind from wandering or thinking about things you need to do. Keep trying. Over time, you’ll get better at it. An effective way to keep your thoughts from distracting you is to keep a notebook close by and write down things you have to do so you can clear them from your mind.
Then Eli realized it was the Lord who was calling the boy. So he said to Samuel, ‘Go and lie down again, and if someone calls again, say ‘Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.’
1 Samuel 8b-9 NLT
- Eyes Open: Have you heard the saying “God works in themes”? It means when God is trying to teach you something, you’ll start seeing or hearing it everywhere. Pay attention to what stands out to you during your Bible reading; to the Scripture posts you see on Facebook; to what you hear on the radio or podcasts or from your pastor or friends. Is there a theme? What could God be trying to show you through these things?
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- The Source: As beautiful as it is that God speaks to us in so many ways, our most trustworthy way of hearing His voice is straight from Scripture. If you feel like you’re hearing the Lord say something to you, it’s very important to make sure it lines up with the Bible. That’s our number one source of truth, so if you’re hearing something that contradicts Scripture, it’s either the enemy or your own thoughts. If you’re not sure, write it down and pray about it. God is not a God of confusion. He isn’t trying to hide from you. He’ll make clear what He wants you to know when you’re seeking Him. The more you rely on the Lord and practice listening to Him, the more clear His voice will become to you.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10.27 NLT
Come close to God, and God will come close to you.
James 4.8 NLT
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