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Audio Clip: Jim Smith on 93.7 The Light

Letting others see Jesus in us: it’s something that we’re certainly called to do. It’s not always easy to do, if we’re honest with ourselves and with each other. You’ve heard me mention Cindi McMenamin. She’s a wonderful writer; she’s a national speaker; she has her own website: and she recently compiled this list of 5 ways that you and I can let others see Jesus in us. 

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Show Grace

The first one (again, sometimes easier said than done) is to show grace and not a critical spirit. You know, on this morning show, we’ve talked quite a bit about how it can be easy to be critical of somebody when we meet them. Instead of showing them grace, we too often (I know I too often) will pay attention to how a person dresses or talks or presents themselves. I’m not proud of that…I’m called to see their heart. It’s a heart that Jesus died for, but our critical spirits, they don’t display Jesus in us- they display the flesh in us. My critical nature, when I let it show, it just shows off the selfishness in me. It shows off the insecurity in me that, for some reason, made me feel that I needed to compare myself with another person in hopes that I would somehow come out ahead. People don’t see Jesus in us when we choose a critical spirit over a spirit of grace; they see a critical person trying to compensate for their own hurts. They see someone with a huge plank in their eye trying to help somebody else take that tiny speck out of their eye. When you and I start showing compassion toward others and empathizing with others and showing grace and mercy rather than a critical spirit, then we become distributors of God’s grace and mercy. 

Be Willing To Be At The Bottom

The second way we can let others see Jesus in us, is to be willing to be at the bottom. Man, this goes against the culture we live in. It’s human nature to want to be somebody special. Even to be somebody special who’s a Christian…but Jesus never did that. Even though He fully deserved it, He insisted that His father receive the praise and glory. Jesus showed us that the way up was down, didn’t He? That the last would be first and that the humble would be exalted. It’s all part of that crazy upside down kingdom that Jesus talked about here on Earth and it still blows people’s minds today, but it changes hearts. 

Be Holy Instead of Hurried

The third way we can let others see Jesus in us is to be holy instead of being hurried. 1 Peter 1.15-16 says “Just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. For it is written be holy because I am holy.” You might say “Jim, I can’t possibly be holy!” Holiness just means to be set apart because of our purity and righteousness, that comes not from ourselves, but from Jesus’ spirit in us. Jesus was holy- He was fully obedient to His father. He was set apart; He was very different from the world. In fact, He was so different they didn’t even recognize Him as the Messiah. They were expecting something different. We don’t have to go through life with a “holier than thou” attitude. Actually, we’re called to do the opposite. We’re called to slow down long enough to hear God’s voice and to notice people around us, to say a kind word, and to serve others. Concentrate on being holy, not hurried. 

Don’t Worry.

Number 4: This one ain’t easy, either. Don’t worry. When you and I get gobbled up in worry, or when we freak out in the midst of our frustrations, we’re showing those people around us that we believe we’re in control. If we just stop and rest, it will all fall apart- but that’s not how Jesus lived. He lived in perfect peace even in His most trying moments. That’s true about Him because He was well aware of His heavenly Father’s presence, protection, and provision. Can you and I say the same? Do you and I remember those 3 P’s? God’s presence, protection, and provision. When we practice the truth of Philippians 4.8-9 and choose to worry about nothing, but instead pray about everything, we’ll experience God’s peace and we’ll live much more like Jesus; a life where others will see peace in us, instead of seeing constant worry. 

Be Zealous For God’s Glory and Truth

The fifth way that we can let others see Jesus in us is to be zealous for God’s glory and truth. This is the one out of the five that might at times make others a little uncomfortable. It’s what also made people uncomfortable around Jesus. If people are really going to see Jesus in you and in me, they’re sometimes going to need to see a zealousness for the glory and the truth of God. So don’t be afraid to challenge someone who is claiming to come in the name of God, but who is preaching a different gospel. Don’t be afraid to offend someone by speaking out about how they’re oppressing other people. Don’t be afraid to call out legalism, or call out religious talk. Those are the things that the Pharisees in Jesus’ day specialized in. Those discussions that suggest that what we do can bring us salvation instead of insisting that salvation comes only through faith in Christ. That kind of stuff angered Jesus. It made Him at times appear like a madman, with a whip in the temple courts. Jesus was adamant about protecting the holiness and the integrity and the glory of God. An important point to be made is, is it ok to be zealous for God in ways that are rude, or meant to embarrass someone, or disgrace someone, or in ways that are violent? Absolutely not. That would go against what Jesus taught us. But in those necessary moments, those appropriate moments, when you and I stand up for God’s glory and truth, other people are going to see a side of Jesus in us that they hadn’t seen before. 

Some good thoughts, I think, I hope you agree. From writer Cindy McMeneman:  5 More Ways To Let Others See Christ in You.

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