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It’s amazing to me that recent statistics show 40,000,000 U.S citizens who claim to be born again Christians, do not vote in our elections. 15 million of those aren’t even registered to vote! How can that be? Do we really not understand why we are here? Why the Lord left us on earth after we met Jesus? Why He allowed us to be born into the most-free nation in the world?

I want to show you, from God’s Word, why we have an obligation to influence the direction of the United States of America!

First of all, we are ambassadors for Christ. The Apostle Paul tells us this in Second Corinthians 5:20. What is an ambassador and what do they do? An ambassador is a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government as the resident representative of his or her own government. What does this mean for believers in Jesus? Paul said in Philippians 3:20 that our citizenship is in Heaven. If we are ambassadors, then we have been sent from our home country Heaven, by our King Jesus, to represent His values in the land to which He sent us. As citizens of these United States, we’ve been given the right to influence who leads this nation and the direction those leaders take the nation. Luke 12:48 reminds us that to whom much is given, much is required. That verse isn’t just talking about financial resources, it includes influence as well.

So then if we as believers in Jesus Christ, living temporarily as citizens of this nation, are supposed to make a difference here for our home country Heaven, what does that look like? In Matthew 5:14 Jesus told us to be the light of the world. One verse earlier He commanded us to be the salt of the earth. In order to influence this country for our home country we, as followers of Christ, must be Salt and Light!

Salt, before the days of refrigeration was the primary means of preserving food. So, when Jesus says we are to be salt, our job is to help preserve our culture from spoiling or becoming rotten. To be the light of the world is to help dispel the darkness that keeps people wandering around lost. How are we doing? Not so good!

Don’t misunderstand, we can’t make people behave. People that don’t know Jesus, don’t have our moral compass. We should share the Gospel with everyone we can and let the Spirit of God do His work. But there are some things we can do, things that our country still allows us to do and things our Ambassadorship requires of us.

We can speak out about the darkness and rottenness in our culture. We can work to have ungodly practices and laws ended. We can work to get people elected who still believe there is a God to whom we must all give an account.

Using our freedom to vote is a minimum requirement for all believers in this free nation. We have not been called by God and left here to go along and get along. We are here in this temporary kingdom by God’s providence to make a difference for His Eternal Kingdom. So, let’s embrace our Ambassadorship this November and support those issues and candidates up and down the ballot who most closely align with Biblical principles and the priorities of our King of Kings!

Tracy Figley

CEO of Strong Tower Christian Media

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