One unchanging thing about me is that I am a lover of God’s natural world. One of my favorite songs is, “This is My Father’s World.” The beauty and sounds…
Ever wonder what to tell people about God? Here are three fundamental attributes you can start with!
Have you ever skipped Leviticus and Deuteronomy? There’s a helpful tool that can transform the way you read the Bible. An archaeological study Bible.
Growing up I enjoyed listening to Aesop’s Fables. One very important fable to start the new year is the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. The story begins with…
I have a son who still gets very excited over Christmas. A week or so before Christmas, he said to me that he just can’t wait for Christmas to get…
Darkness into light is a repeating theme throughout the Bible. God spoke, “Let there be light.” The very beginning of the God story was from darkness into light. After the…
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year are times of gatherings and reflection. One of my traditions that captures my introspection of myself and my contribution to the world around me…
We are entering a new season. Depending on how old you are is how many times you’ve seen this season come and go. Have you noticed the older you get…
Did you watch the debate last night? Yeah, right. Well, at least that is what I imagine would be many people’s reply. I’m an older lady, but it used to…
Do you feel like you’re constantly running around but never getting anything done? Or do you feel overwhelmed by life and don’t know where to start? I’ve definitely been there…
Ugh. Even the word probably makes you uncomfortable. You’re probably squirming in your chair right now. Surprisingly, there’s a story in I Samuel that talks about hemorrhoids. You may already…
Do you ever ask questions and not expect an answer? Do you ever ask questions wanting an answer, expecting an answer, but still not getting it? You know our children…
Graduations are beginning to happen all around us; it’s that time of year. The question most often heard by graduates is, “What are you planning to do?” Is that question…
One of my favorite movie lines is from “Bambi” when Thumper relays the words of his mother to Bambi, “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at…
Easter was earlier this month. Most of you probably celebrated in some way. Kids looked for eggs and maybe dressed up in new clothes for Sunday morning. You sang happy…
I was driving to work the other morning. The sky was dark with clouds. However, there were glimmers of light shining through the clouds and it reminded me of a…
I saw something called a March Madness devotional the other day. I don’t know if it is supposed to help you tame down your yelling at the TV or curb…
I have this new chatbot app which is really cool. I asked the app for the definition of exchange. It told me there were several definitions based upon context. In…
Lent. When I was growing up, I didn’t know much about it other than people got ashes put on their foreheads and ate fish on Fridays. To be honest, I…
If we think about it just for a minute, of all the ways Jesus could have taught His disciples to begin their prayers, He chose those very words: “Our Father” (that’s Matthew 6.9) as a starting point. That’s where we go every day. Was that random?