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Matthew Miskimen

How To Comfort a Loved One At The End of Their Life

By Lauren Kitchens, ResourcesNo Comments

“I was just talking to my friend, Larry, about what it’s like when your parents sojourn to glory. My mom sojourned when she was way too young back in 2005, and then my dad passed away this past May, and I had the honor and privilege of being right there with both of them when they passed to glory. I just encourage you, when you’re with someone in their final hours, to just speak life over them, sing to them, stroke them…just help usher them from this world to the next glorious world, beautifully.” ~Lauren Kitchens

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Prayer Guide

Prayer Guide For Current Events

By ResourcesNo Comments

Do you ever feel like there are so many things going on in the world, you’re left frozen in fear about what to do? The best place to start is prayer. Don’t be discouraged by social media trolls who say, “Don’t bother praying, get out there and do something!” There is nothing more powerful than prayer, and in drawing close to God, He’ll lead you to what to do next. Here are a few suggested current events to start praying for, but add to this list anything the Lord lays on your heart.

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Pursuing God - Lauren Kitchens

Actively Pursuing God

By Lauren KitchensNo Comments

Do you have a group of friends you can sit around with and talk about the things of the Lord? If not, start praying for that, because it’s amazing how much you can learn from each other and support each other just by doing life together. Until then, enjoy this wise and insightful conversation between CeCe Winans and a group of her friends.

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