In like a lion, out like a lamb. I don’t know if it is always true or not, but that is what they taught us about the month of March…
My dad and grandfather could be considered “football fanatics.” Much of my childhood memory is spending time with my dad and grandpa watching football and learning the rules of the…
How Decluttering Can Help You Focus on What Matters Every year as I am putting away my Christmas decorations, I think about getting rid of some of them. I have…
Have you ever had the experience of traveling somewhere and having someone greet you on the other end? Traveling by air you often have someone pick you up from the…
Where do bad rainbows go? My daughter called me the other day from college to ask me that question. You may have surmised that it is a joke, a pun….
The definition of advent is anticipation of a coming. See what definitions and synonyms dictionaries list for advent. Definitions Synonyms Often advent is relegated to the “religious” realm. But, we…
There are many instances in life in which we may identify ourselves as being powerless over the people, places, or situations that we encounter. If we really see the world…
It’s amazing to me that recent statistics show 40,000,000 U.S citizens who claim to be born again Christians, do not vote in our elections. 15 million of those aren’t even…
I’m going to start this article by saying it might be hard to read for some, but the topic of overcoming depression is a necessary discussion. Depression is on the…
Patriot Day. A holiday, but not really. We haven’t moved on to picnics and parades and special sales for this one yet because it is still pretty fresh for many…
It’s that time of the year when parents are taking their kids back to college, or even harder, taking a child there for the first time. It isn’t usually something…
The story of Joseph in the Bible is one of my favorite stories of all time. It is a true story about a man and his family and how God…
I was looking up fun ideas to use at our Fourth of July celebration. One idea was to plan a scavenger hunt and use clues based on historical aspects of…
Have you ever lost your computer to a “Black Screen?” I have had three black screen experiences…and that is NOT GOOD! I struggled with mixed emotions. I was sick to…
My dad used to tell us that when he was a little boy, even in kindergarten and first grade, he and all his classmates would be walked by their teachers…
One unchanging thing about me is that I am a lover of God’s natural world. One of my favorite songs is, “This is My Father’s World.” The beauty and sounds…
Ever wonder what to tell people about God? Here are three fundamental attributes you can start with!
Have you ever skipped Leviticus and Deuteronomy? There’s a helpful tool that can transform the way you read the Bible. An archaeological study Bible.
Growing up I enjoyed listening to Aesop’s Fables. One very important fable to start the new year is the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. The story begins with…
I have a son who still gets very excited over Christmas. A week or so before Christmas, he said to me that he just can’t wait for Christmas to get…