There’s a hunger when your heart is repentant.
Mark Jobe
This Week’s Bold Step
Yet, you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.
Psalm 51:6
Clogged pipes in your home can really be a headache for a homeowner. Whether it’s a sink, toilet, or bathtub, all of these lines can gradually clog over time as debris accumulates, making it harder and harder for waste to move through. If not identified and addressed in the early stages, you could end up with sewage water backing up into your house. I speak from experience!
Unconfessed sin is a lot like that clogged pipe. Its tentacles can wrap around every part of our being and can often leave us feeling paralyzed if we’re not careful. The effects are often devastating from developing a wrong spirit towards God to feeling separated and isolated from community to losing the joy of our salvation. If left unchecked, unconfessed sin blocks our healing in other areas of our lives, leaving us hopeless.
In Psalm 51, we see David wrestling with the weight of his sin of adultery and murder. His anguish is palpable as he confesses his sins to God, holding nothing back. We see that he doesn’t blame anyone else but himself making no attempt to excuse his actions. David knew that his sin had separated him from God, so the only appropriate response was a humble and contrite appealing to Him to extend His mercy, love and forgiveness.
Like a pipe that’s been unclogged, there’s a hunger when your heart is repentant. The weight of sin is gone, replaced by joy and freedom like no other. You’re no longer a slave to sin! My friend, true repentance doesn’t merely alleviate guilt but cultivates a deep joy in your life. Might today be that day?
This devotional was written by Pastor Mark Jobe and used with permission from Moody Radio.
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