If you have a gifting or a fondness for hospitality, you may have found yourself wondering if you’re ever going to be able to practice it again in our COVID-19 and post-COVID environment. Although many people aren’t comfortable right now with having people over or going into someone else’s home, there are still many ways to practice hospitality these days while still maintaining social distancing and respecting the needs of the people you seek to serve. It may take a little altering of the literal definition, but here are five ways to show hospitality during COVID, and 2 Scriptures for a bit of motivation.
“When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.”
Romans 12.13 NLT
“Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!”
Hebrews 13.2 NLT
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Park Outing
Invite someone to dinner in the park or your backyard. If they feel uncomfortable with you providing the food, each family could bring their own meal. The point is being together and being a blessing and a safe place for the people in our lives.
Porch Delivery
Do you know someone who’s sick, recovering from a surgery, or struggling financially? Ask them if they would rather you cook them a meal to be delivered to their porch, or if they would like a meal from a food delivery service. If they decline, offer to mail or email a gift card. If it’s a longer-term situation, you could even offer to set up a Meal Train for them.
Flowers really have a way of cheering up a room. You have more options than just your typical florist delivery, though. If you have flowers growing suitable for cutting, you can make your own arrangements in mason jars or any bottles you have around. Many salad dressings and sauces come in cute glass jars that once cleaned out, and the label removed (or not!) are perfect for flowers. Even glass water bottles are perfect for a couple of stems. If you like the more classic look of a vase, second-hand stores usually have an abundance of vases. If you are not a gardener or flowers are out of season, you can often find great prices on flower bouquets at the grocery store. Sometimes, they’ll even have bouquets marked down when only a flower or two are looking rough. Take those out and make your own arrangement, or maybe even more than one, depending on your containers’ sizes.
Food Pantries
Food pantries all across the country have reported much higher demand than before COVID. Contact your local food banks and ask what they need. Some organizations will accept homemade foods- bread, jams, granola, etc. If not, they may take homegrown veggies and herbs. If neither of those is options for you, you can donate extra non-perishables you have or buy specific things they are asking for.
In many places, banks and landlords are either choosing or mandated not to evict people who can’t pay their mortgage or rent. If you are able, consider helping someone make their payment. If you don’t know anyone personally struggling in this way, reach out to your friends and family- they probably know someone who needs help.
In a time like this, it can be easy to retreat into our homes and our minds and think we’re too busy, or scared, or uncertain to be helping other people. Let’s be the kind of people who trust God with what He’s given us and be the hands and feet of Jesus in these dark times.