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Everybody knows 2020 has been…interesting…and this Christmas is certainly going to be at least a little different (and for some completely different.) Whether you’re far away from your family and not able to travel home, or if you’re close geographically, but social distancing,  it’s important that we all find ways to still connect in meaningful ways with our families and friends. Here are a couple ideas to get your creative juices flowing!

  1. Virtual cooking/dinner date
    Why just eat together on Zoom? Plan ahead for a specific recipe and cook it together for a really memorable experience! Bonus points if you use family recipes 🌟

Or a fun alternative could be having a pizza sent to your loved one’s house and surprising them with a video call movie and pizza date! That would be especially helpful if they’ve already told you they don’t know what to make for dinner!

  1. Scavenger Hunt
    Send a nature scavenger hunt via email and instruct your loved ones to text you a photo of themselves with each item as they find it! You can find a list online or make one up using things that have special meaning. For example: ask for a leaf from a tree in the neighborhood where you’ve walked together, or a piece of grass from the side yard where you had a picnic together…you get the idea.
  1. If you’re going to be away from children you love, send them a package with coloring books and crayons, and buy yourself the same things. Set up a video call and color the same pages together. Date and display them so when you are able to be together physically, you’ll see them and be reminded of the fun time you had! Another idea in the same vein is virtual cookie baking. Send a package with all the ingredients for your favorite cookie recipe and set up a time to bake them at the same time. 
  1. Buy 2 Advent calendars, send one to your loved one, then spend a few minutes each day in December to open together. There are lots of different kinds of Advent calendars these days, so you can choose a theme that is meaningful to you both. 

I hope these ideas have sparked some ideas for you to still feel close to the people you love, even if you don’t get to be together this year. Have you thought of other creative ways to connect during these unusual times? Share them in the comments and you might just inspire someone else! Merry Christmas and may your New Year be bright!

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