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Read Psalm 121

We often play our favorite songs in the car while taking a road trip with family or friends, or sometimes we listen in the privacy of our headphones or earbuds while flying from one airport to another.

There is a collection of songs in the Psalms that were a sort of playlist for travelers. It is believed that the Songs of Ascents (Ps. 120–134) were sung by God’s people as they journeyed to Jerusalem to observe the pilgrimage feasts as commanded by God (Lev. 23). For many, this road was long, arduous, and even dangerous with threats from both man and beast. But despite these challenges, we see God’s people praising and thanking Him, crying out to their Maker with an immovable faith and a clear direction of where they are heading.

What an insight for us today! Do we praise and petition the Lord as we journey from place to place each day, hour, or even through each stage of life? Do we have a clear awareness of where we are headed and where our strength comes from? The psalmist writes that “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?” (Ps. 121:1). Lifting our eyes upward ahead to the mountains that surround Jerusalem (Ps. 125:2) is a picture of praying, asking for God’s help and strength now while knowing Him and focused on our final destination. In Christ, our present help and destination is in Him and His presence where we will dwell with Him forever (Ps. 23:6).

While we travel the bumpy road of this earthly life, may Christ be the soundtrack of our lives, for He is the One who made heaven and earth (v. 2). May we lift up our eyes to the hills around Jerusalem, knowing it is the cross and crown of Christ on which we stand and journey.

Go Deeper

What is a Song of Ascent? Why did people sing while on their journeys? What application does this have for our lives today?

Pray With Us

Lord Jesus, may we follow the Psalmist’s example to trust You and seek our protection only in You. May we remember that our help comes from You, “the Maker of heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:2). We lift our eyes to You!

This Devotional is from Sing to the Lord: Music in the Bible written by author Dr. Brian Lee

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